Our clinic is a very busy, mixed animal (predominantly small), 2 doctor practice. We have the potential for expansion in several different directions. Positions for exclusively small animal or mixed practice associates are available. We are looking for individuals who are not afraid of hard work, to share in the rewards and gratification of practicing veterinary medicine.
We will never ask you to send a cat with a urethral obstruction back out the door or amputate the limb of a dog with a fracture or euthanize an otherwise treatable animal due to lack of money.
Quality of life is important for you too, not just our patients, and that involves the freedom to practice medicine the way that you feel is right, your protocols should not be dictated by a corporate boss. With our help, both emotional and financial, you can be the best veterinarian and the best you, that you can be.
As your potential employer, we recognize the need to be flexible, encouraging and supportive. We have a warm and friendly staff with many years of experience. Your schedule and special areas of interest are all up for discussion. New grads are encouraged to apply, we will provide all the mentorship you need.
In this relationship, we both need to be happy. There is no contractual time commitment or covenant not to compete.
E-mail inquiries or a cover letter and resume to kkidd@kennedyvet.com